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If you want to enable spell check support, you need to:

  • install the spell files for your language:

# pacman-g2 -S vim-spell-xx

where xx is code of the requested language.

  • enable the spell check support for your language (type in vim):

:setlocal spell spelllang=xx_yy

Some languages need correctly set encoding. If you get a message like:

Warning: Cannot find word list "hu.latin1.spl" or "hu.ascii.spl"

then you need to set your encoding as well:

:set encoding=latin2

The incorrect words are coloured red by default. You can reach a list of suggested words by pressing z= when the cursor is at the given word.

If you want to disable the spell check support, type:

:setlocal nospell

It may be handy to have map function keys in ~/.vimrc to enable / disable the spell check support:

set encoding=latin2
map <F5> <Esc>:setlocal spell spelllang=en_gb<CR>
map <F6> <Esc>:setlocal spell spelllang=hu<CR>
map <F7> <Esc>:setlocal nospell<CR>
The language code is sometimes in an xx and sometimes is in an xx_yy form. This is something you need to figure out for your language.

See the upstream documentation for more info about spell check support:

:help spell