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8. Missing & Dead

This is my area for old or bad entries. The MIA section is for entires for which I no longer have a valid home page. If you have any information regarding where I can find these now please let me know. The Dead section is for projects that seem dead. Moving them here allows me to keep my the main sections clean while allowing for interested parties to correct me in which case I can just move it back.

8.1 MIA - Projects missing linkage.


Ant Wars is a competition which pits clever programs against each other to do battle and compete for food in virtual worlds. Each contestant is a species of ant, which can visualize only the world immediately around him and pheromones left by fellow and enemy ants. Using this information, the ant brain (a simple state machine) must guide the ant towards collecting food at his home ant hill, while fending off or attacking enemies.

Clever use of pheromones and subtle behaviors can create large scale tactics such as raiding, defense, harvesting, and scouting when many ants cooperate.


CASE (Cellular Automaton Simulation Environment) is a C++ toolkit for visualizing discrete models in two dimensions: so-called cellular automata. The aim of this project is to create an integrated framework for creating generalized cellular automata using the best, standardized technology of the day.


The CLEARS system is an interactive graphical environment for computational semantics. The tool allows exploration and comparison of different semantic formalisms, and their interaction with syntax. This enables the user to get an idea of the range of possibilities of semantic construction, and also where there is real convergence between theories.


CLIG is an interactive, extendible grapher for visualizing linguistic data structures like trees, feature structures, Discourse Representation Structures (DRS), logical formulas etc. All of these can be freely mixed and embedded into each other. The grapher has been designed both to be stand-alone and to be used as an add-on for linguistic applications which display their output in a graphical manner.

Corewar VM

This is a virtual machine written in Java (so it is a virtual machine for another virtual machine !) for a Corewar game.


A library for the Python programming language that provides an object oriented interface to the CLIPS expert system tool. It includes an interface to COOL (CLIPS Object Oriented Language) that allows:


DHARMI is a high level spatial, tinker-toy like language who's components are transparently administered by a background process called the Habitat. As the name suggests, the language was designed to make modelling prototypes and handle living data. Programs can be modified while running. This is accomplished by blurring the distinction between source code, program, and data.


Dunce is a simple chatterbot (conversational AI) and a language for programming such chatterbots. It uses a basic regex pattern matching and a semi-neural rule/response firing mechanism (with excitement/decay cycles).

Dunce is listed about halfway down the page.


NOTE: the above web site has info on EcoSim but no code to download.

In EcoSim an ecosystem is described by all static and dynamic properties of the individuals involved in the system as well as time varying properties of the environment. Individuals change their state over time or due to internal and external events. The environment is also defined via dynamic objects which can change. Supports on the fly analysis and animation of generated data. It is a C++ class library designed to support individual-oriented modelling and simulation of ecological systems.


Evo is a software development framework that allows developers to build complex alife simulations. Using Evo, researchers can easily build systems of independent agents interacting with one another and with their environment. Evo implements biological operators such as genetic recombination and mutation to evolve the behavior of agents so that they are more adapted to their environment.


Grany-3 is a full-featured cellular automaton simulator, made in C++ with Gtk--, flex++/bison++, doxygen and gettext, useful to granular media physicists.


IBAL (pronounced "eyeball") is a general-purpose language for probabilistic modeling, parameter estimation and decision making. It generalizes Bayesian networks, hidden Markov models, stochastic context free grammars, Markov decision processes, and allows many new possibilities. It also provides a convenient programming-language framework with libraries, automatic type checking and so on.


IDEAL is a test bed for work in influence diagrams and Bayesian networks. It contains various inference algorithms for belief networks and evaluation algorithms for influence diagrams. It contains facilities for creating and editing influence diagrams and belief networks.

IDEAL is written in pure Common Lisp and so it will run in Common Lisp on any platform. The emphasis in writing IDEAL has been on code clarity and providing high level programming abstractions. It thus is very suitable for experimental implementations which need or extend belief network technology.

At the highest level, IDEAL can be used as a subroutine library which provides belief network inference and influence diagram evaluation as a package. The code is documented in a detailed manual and so it is also possible to work at a lower level on extensions of belief network methods.

IDEAL comes with an optional graphic interface written in CLIM. If your Common Lisp also has CLIM, you can run the graphic interface.


Illuminator is a toolset for developing OCR and Image Understanding applications. Illuminator has two major parts: a library for representing, storing and retrieving OCR information, heretofore called dafslib, and an X-Windows "DAFS" file viewer, called illum. Illuminator and DAFS lib were designed to supplant existing OCR formats and become a standard in the industry. They particularly are extensible to handle more than just English.

The features of this release:

Jet's Neural Architecture

Jet's Neural Architecture is a C++ framework for doing neural net projects. The goals of this project were to make a fast, flexible neural architecture that isn't stuck to one kind of net and to make sure that end users could easily write useful applications. All the documentation is also easily readable.

Neural Networks at your Fingertips

A set of ANSI C packages that illustrate Adaline networks, back-propagation, the Hopfield model, BAM, Boltzman, CPN, SOM, and ART1. Coded in portable, self-contained ANSI C. With complete example applications from a variety of well-known application domains.

Neureka ANS (nn/xnn)

nn is a high-level neural network specification language. The current version is best suited for feed-forward nets, but recurrent models can and have been implemented, e.g. Hopfield nets, Jordan/Elman nets, etc. In nn, it is easy to change network dynamics. The nn compiler can generate C code or executable programs (so there must be a C compiler available), with a powerful command line interface (but everything may also be controlled via the graphical interface, xnn). It is possible for the user to write C routines that can be called from inside the nn specification, and to use the nn specification as a function that is called from a C program. Please note that no programming is necessary in order to use the network models that come with the system (`netpack').

xnn is a graphical front end to networks generated by the nn compiler, and to the compiler itself. The xnn graphical interface is intuitive and easy to use for beginners, yet powerful, with many possibilities for visualizing network data.

NOTE: You have to run the install program that comes with this to get the license key installed. It gets put (by default) in /usr/lib. If you (like myself) want to install the package somewhere other than in the /usr directory structure (the install program gives you this option) you will have to set up some environmental variables (NNLIBDIR & NNINCLUDEDIR are required). You can read about these (and a few other optional variables) in appendix A of the documentation (pg 113).


NEURObjects is a set of C++ library classes for neural networks development. The main goal of the library consists in supporting researchers and practitioners in developing new neural network methods and applications, exploiting the potentialities of object-oriented design and programming. NEURObjects provides also general purpose applications for classification problems and can be used for fast prototyping of inductive machine learning applications.


The goal of the OSCAR project is the formulation of a general theory of rationality and its implementation in an artificial rational agent. The function of artificial agents is to draw conclusions and make decisions on the basis of information supplied to them. OSCAR is a fully implemented architecture for rational agents, based upon a general purpose defeasible reasoner. OSCAR is written in Common Lisp and is free for educational and research purposes.


AI (Programmable Artificial Intelligence) is a program capable of having a conversation in its mother tongue, English. Written in C++.


pygene is a simple and easily understandable library for genetic algorithms and genetic programming in python. Includes examples such as the travelling salesman problem.


PyIE is a hypothesis based, agenda driven, object oriented inference engine written in Python. Inferencing modes include back chaining, opportunistic forward chaining and explicit forward chaining. The first-class object base supports metaclasses, classes, objects and multiple, dynamic inheritance. All objects are first class objects and all attributes are slot values, i.e. data members attached to some object.

PyIE uses a TMS (truth maintenance system) for first level (condition change) non-monotonic reasoning. User defined metaclasses are being explored to support second level (belief change) non-monotonic reasoning.

Simple Neural Net (in Python)

Simple neural network code, which implements a class for 3-level networks (input, hidden, and output layers). The only learning rule implemented is simple backpropagation. No documentation (or even comments) at all, because this is simply code that I use to experiment with. Includes modules containing sample datasets from Carl G. Looney's NN book. Requires the Numeric extensions.

Python Fuzzy Logic Module

A simple python module for fuzzy logic. The file is 'fuz.tar.gz' in this directory. The author plans to also write a simple genetic algorithm and a neural net library as well. Check the 00_index file in this directory for release info.


This project seems to have gone proprietary. The only trace I can find via google is at http://www.zurich.co.uk/strategicrisk/softwaresupport/Quant1.htm.

QUANT/1 stands for type QUANTifier. It aims to be an alternative to Prolog-like (Resulutional-like) systems. Main features include a lack of necessity for eliminating Quantifiers, scolemisation, ease of comprehension, large scale formulae operation, acceptance of nonHorn formulaes, and Iterative deeping. The actual library implemented in this project is called ATPPCF (Automatic Theorem Prover in calculus of Positively Constructed Formulae).

ATPPCF will be a library (inference engine) and an extension of the Predicate Calculus Language as a new logical language. The library will be incorporable in another software such as TCL, Python, Perl. The engine's primary inference method will be the "search of inference in language of Positively Constructed Formulas (PCFs)" (a subset of Predicate Calculus well translated in both directions). The language will be used as scripting language to the engine. But there will be possibility to replace it with extensions languages of main software.


SCNN is an universal simulating system for Cellular Neural Networks (CNN). CNN are analog processing neural networks with regular and local interconnections, governed by a set of nonlinear ordinary differential equations. Due to their local connectivity, CNN are realized as VLSI chips, which operates at very high speed.

Symbolic Probabilistic Inference (SPI)

Contains Common Lisp function libraries to implement SPI type baysean nets. Documentation is very limited. Features:


SPRLIB (Statistical Pattern Recognition Library) was developed to support the easy construction and simulation of pattern classifiers. It consist of a library of functions (written in C) that can be called from your own program. Most of the well-known classifiers are present (k-nn, Fisher, Parzen, ....), as well as error estimation and dataset generation routines.

ANNLIB (Artificial Neural Networks Library) is a neural network simulation library based on the data architecture laid down by SPRLIB. The library contains numerous functions for creating, training and testing feed-forward networks. Training algorithms include back-propagation, pseudo-Newton, Levenberg-Marquardt, conjugate gradient descent, BFGS.... Furthermore, it is possible - due to the datastructures' general applicability - to build Kohonen maps and other more exotic network architectures using the same data types.


Sugal [soo-gall] is the SUnderland Genetic ALgorithm system. The aim of Sugal is to support research and implementation in Genetic Algorithms on a common software platform. As such, Sugal supports a large number of variants of Genetic Algorithms, and has extensive features to support customization and extension.


ThoughtTreasure is a project to create a database of commonsense rules for use in any application. It consists of a database of a little over 100K rules and a C API to integrate it with your applications. Python, Perl, Java and TCL wrappers are already available.


This program simulates primitive life-forms, equipped with some basic instincts and abilities, in a 2D environment consisting of cells. By mutation new generations can prove their success, and thus passing on "good family values".

The brain of a TIN can be seen as a collection of processes, each representing drives or impulses to behave a certain way, depending on the state/perception of the environment ( e.g. presence of food, walls, neighbors, scent traces) These behavior process currently are : eating, moving, mating, relaxing, tracing others, gathering food and killing. The process with the highest impulse value takes control, or in other words: the tin will act according to its most urgent need.


Ummon is an advanced Open Source chatterbot. The main principle of the bot is that it has no initial knowledge of either words or grammar; it learns everything "on the fly." Numerous AI techniques will be explored in the development of Ummon to achieve realistic "human" communication with support for different, customizable personalities.

Virtual Secretary Project (ViSe)


The motivation of the Virtual Secretary project is to construct user-model-based intelligent software agents, which could in most cases replace human for secretarial tasks, based on modern mobile computing and computer network. The project includes two different phases: the first phase (ViSe1) focuses on information filtering and process migration, its goal is to create a secure environment for software agents using the concept of user models; the second phase (ViSe2) concentrates on agents' intelligent and efficient cooperation in a distributed environment, its goal is to construct cooperative agents for achieving high intelligence. (Implemented in Tcl/TclX/Tix/Tk)


The construction of multi-agent systems involves long development times and requires solutions to some considerable technical difficulties. This has motivated the development of the ZEUS toolkit, which provides a library of software components and tools that facilitate the rapid design, development and deployment of agent system

8.2 Dead projects.


FIPA-OS is an open source implementation of the mandatory elements contained within the FIPA specification for agent interoperability. In addition to supporting the FIPA interoperability concepts, FIPA-OS also provides a component based architecture to enable the development of domain specific agents which can utilise the services of the FIPA Platform agents. It is implemented in Java.


Public Domain Knowledge Bank (PDKB) is an Artificial Intelligence Knowledge Bank of common sense rules and facts. It is based on the Cyc Upper Ontology and the MELD language.


Merged together with original Robocode as of version 1.1.

Extension of Robocode, the battling bot AI programming game. Like its parent, it is written in Java and meant as a learning environment.


A framework called Sulawesi has been designed and implemented to tackle what has been considered to be important challenges in a wearable user interface. The ability to accept input from any number of modalities, and perform if necessary a translation to any number of modal outputs. It does this primarily through a set of proactive agents to act on the input.


This project seems to have been superseded by Pulcinella .

Libraries containing (Allegro) Common Lisp code for Belief Functions (aka. Dempster-Shafer evidential reasoning) as a representation of uncertainty. Very little documentation. Has a limited GUI.

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