After Switchboard has been installed, you need to register to
Quicknet to obtain full capability of your card.
When you pick up the phone Internet Switchboard wakes up and
waits for your calling number (directly entered from your phone),
you can:
enter an asterisk, then type an IP number (with asterisks in
place of dot) with a # in the end
type directly a PSTN phone number (with international prefix)
to call a classic phone user. In this case you need a registration
to a gateway manager to which pay for time.
enter directly a quick dial number (up to 2 digits) you have
previously stored which make a call (IP or PSTN).
Internet Swichboard is h323 compatible, so if you can use, for
example, Microsoft Netmeeting at the other end to talk.
Warning!! Internet Switchboard NEED to be connected to Internet
when used with newer Quicknet cards
In place of Internet Switchboard you can use openh323 application
openphone (using GUI) or
ohphone (command line).
Under Linux you have to install:
Card driver, from
Quicknet web site. After downloaded you have to compile it (you
must have a /usr/src/linux soft or hard link to your Linux source
directory): type make for instructions.