X servers may have a limit for the maximum cursor
size, especially if they use a hardware implementation for the mouse
cursor. Others do not have such a limit. E. g. XF86_S3 3.3
works even with a 512x512 mouse cursor (rather slowly).
The magnified cursor font must have the same name as the original
font (the font name must be cursor, file name does not
matter)—that is no problem as bdfresize does not change
the font name.
The directory with the new cursor font must be placed before the
directory with the standard cursor font in the the font path—this
is accomplished with xset +fp (as opposed to
xset fp+).
Changes in $HOME/fonts/ will be visible only
after the command mkfontdir $HOME/fonts; xset fp rehash
and only in newly
started X clients (more exactly: for newly created cursors).
xset +fp path may not work on a X-Terminal. In this case
a font server (see the section
How to use a fontserver)
can be used if supported by the X-Terminal or some
other method to install the font on the X-Terminal (this can
generally only be done by your system administrator).
The same approach can be used for olcursor and
decw$cursor fonts and any other cursor font you may
Cursor fonts produced by bdfresize don't look smooth,
especially at larger magnification factors. It would be nice if
someone could create better looking handcrafted version at
some common sizes.