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4. Conclusion

Earlier versions of this guide can be found online at:

Each one of these include a detailed Troubleshooting section. Since I have replaced FreeBSD/OpenBSD/NetBSD with OpenSolaris in this particular version of the guide, most of the problems listed therein would not apply in the current scenario. Thus, the Troubleshooting section has been removed.

The plan in the near future is to include a highly informative Troubleshooting section for this version of the guide as well.

Ultimately, though, the responsibility for any errors or omissions you might find is mine and mine alone, so please address your ire to me at sghosh.oxon at yahoo dot co dot uk. For those who would like to send PRs (Problem Reports), please make sure you send enough valid and related information for me to work with. I cannot help you if you just send an email with messages like "This screwed up!", "That doesn't work!" and so on. Try sending detailed PRs. You may very well find your comments, suggestions and corrections reflected in the next version of this guide. Thank you!

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