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6.37. Bash-3.0

The Bash package contains the Bourne-Again SHell.

Approximate build time: 1.2 SBU
Required disk space: 20.6 MB
Installation depends on: Binutils, Coreutils, Diffutils, Gawk, GCC, Glibc, Grep, Make, Ncurses, and Sed.

6.37.1. Installation of Bash

If you downloaded the Bash documentation tarball and wish to install HTML documentation, issue the following commands:

tar -xvf ../bash-doc-3.0.tar.gz &&
sed -i "s|htmldir = @htmldir@|htmldir = /usr/share/doc/bash-3.0|" \

The following patch fixes various issues, including a problem where Bash will sometimes only show 33 characters on a line, then wrap to the next:

patch -Np1 -i ../bash-3.0-fixes-3.patch

Bash also has issues when compiled against newer versions of Glibc. The following patch resolves this problem:

patch -Np1 -i ../bash-3.0-avoid_WCONTINUED-1.patch

Prepare Bash for compilation:

./configure --prefix=/usr --bindir=/bin \
    --without-bash-malloc --with-installed-readline

The meaning of the configure options:


This option tells Bash to use the readline library that is already installed on the system rather than using its own readline version.

Compile the package:


To test the results, issue: make tests.

Install the package:

make install

Run the newly compiled bash program (replacing the one that is currently being executed):

exec /bin/bash --login +h


The parameters used make the bash process an interactive login shell and continue to disable hashing so that new programs are found as they become available.

6.37.2. Contents of Bash

Installed programs: bash, bashbug, and sh (link to bash)

Short Descriptions


A widely-used command interpreter; it performs many types of expansions and substitutions on a given command line before executing it, thus making this interpreter a powerful tool


A shell script to help the user compose and mail standard formatted bug reports concerning bash


A symlink to the bash program; when invoked as sh, bash tries to mimic the startup behavior of historical versions of sh as closely as possible, while conforming to the POSIX standard as well