int keypad(win, bf)
If TRUE, it enables the keypad on the keyboard of the user's terminal
waiting for input. Ncurses will then return a key code defined in
.h as KEY_* for the function and arrow keys on the keypad.
This is very useful for a PC keyboard because you can enable the
numerical block and the cursor keys.
int meta(win, bf)
If TRUE, the key codes returned from getch() are 8-bit-clean
(the highest bit will not be stripped).
int cbreak() int nocbreak() int crmode() int nocrmode() cbreak() and nocbreak() will turn the terminal CBREAK mode
on or off. When CBREAK is on, input from a read will be immediately
available to the program, when off the input will be buffered until
newline occurs.
(Note:crmode() and nocrmode() are for upward compatibility,
don't use them.)
int raw() int noraw()
Turn RAW mode on or off. RAW is the same as CBREAK, except that in RAW
mode no special character processing will be done.
int echo() int noecho()
Set echo() to echo input typed by the user and noecho()
to be silent about it.
int halfdelay(t)
As cbreak() with a delay of t seconds.
int nodelay(win, bf)
Terminal will be set to no blocking mode. cetch() will return ERR
if no input is ready. If set to FALSE, getch() will wait until a
key is pressed.
int timeout(t) int wtimeout(win, t)
It is recommended to use these functions instead of
halfdelay(t) and nodelay(win,bf). The result of
depends on the value of t. If t is positive, the read
is blocked for t milliseconds, if t is zero, no
blocking is done, and when t is negative the program blocks
until input is available.
int notimeout(win, bf)
If bf is TRUE, getch() will use a special timer (of one second
to interpret and input sequence beginning with keys as ESCAPE etc.
int typeahead(fd)
If fd is -1 no typeahead check will be done, else ncurses will
use the file descriptor fd instead of for these
int intrflush(win, bf)
When enabled with bf TRUE an interrupt key pressed on the
terminal (quit, break ...) will flush all output in the tty driver
void noqiflush() void qiflush()
(Note: not implemented yet.)