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Debian GNU/Linux System Administrator's Manual (Obsolete Documentation)
Chapter 1 - Introduction

This is the Debian System Administrator's Manual.

1.1 About this manual

The purpose of this manual is to help you to administer a Debian GNU/Linux system.

Administration of any Unix machine is a complex task, that is not to be learnt overnight. Each setup is different, but there are a number of tasks that every administrator has to perform.

This manual is intended to help you learn the basics of administration, and to build on that to get the best out of your machine for yourself and your users.

This manual assumes the reader is familiar with using a Unix system and/or understands Debian User Reference Manual. Additional reading for System Administrator is Debian GNU/Linux Network Administrator's Manual. Both of these are available from the Debian Documentation Project. Another useful book is "Linux System Administrator's Guide" by Lars Wirzenius, available from Linux Documentation Project, http://metalab.unc.edu/LDP/ .

1.2 Where to find newer versions

The current up-to-date version of this and the other DDP manualsis to be found on-line in the Debian Documentation Project's webpages.

Follow the link from the Debian home page at http://www.debian.org.


Please send all comments, criticisms, suggestions, bugs, etc. to debian-doc@lists.debian.org.

If there are areas that are not covered to your satisfaction, please consider making a contribution to this manual yourself.

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Debian GNU/Linux System Administrator's Manual (Obsolete Documentation)

This manual is OBSOLETE and DEPRECATED since 2006, 29 Dezember 2009. Instead see http://www.de.debian.org/doc/user-manuals#quick-reference.

Ardo van Rangelrooij ardo.van.rangelrooij@tip.nl
Tapio Lehtonen Tapio.Lehtonen@IKI.FI
Oliver Elphick - Previous maintainer