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TLDP Weekly News

Issue Number : 19
Publication Date : 2003-09-03

Table of Contents
1. New documents
1.1. Fresh@LDP
1.2. Submitted for review
2. Updates
2.1. HOWTOs
2.2. Guides
3. Feedback and Contributions

1. New documents

1.1. Fresh@LDP

  • Salvador J. Peralta sent in a new mini-HOWTO titled Scripting Graphical Commands with Tcl/Tk Mini-HOWTO. The document provides a cookbook-style tutorial introduction to Tcl and Tk, a scripting language and graphical toolkit that were designed to accomplish that very task.

1.2. Submitted for review

2. Updates

2.1. HOWTOs

Short reading-list this week:

2.2. Guides

Two items from the Spanish TLDP site:

3. Feedback and Contributions

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Please help us create this weekly newsletter. Seen a site putting in a story with a link to the LDP? Completed the translation of any HOWTO? Know of any articles about the LDP published in newspapers or magazines? You can update us by sending in links and information at .

LDP Weekly News is edited by Machtelt Garrels, Torsten Schlabach and Y Giridhar Appaji Nag with help from several other people.