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LDP Weekly News

About the LDP

The Linux Documentation Project is developing free, high quality documentation for the GNU/Linux operating system. This includes the creation of HOWTOs and Guides, and collaboration with other documentation groups.

If you've always wanted to help Linux reach Total World Domination(tm), but you're not a programmer, there's still something you can do. Help the LDP!

The LDP keeps a page of resources for authors at http://www.linuxdoc.org/authors/. Contributions are always welcome.

For more LDP Weekly News, go to http://www.linuxdoc.org/ldpwn/

New Documents

Updated Documents

Malay Translation Effort

The LDP is very happy to announce a new translation project, Projek Dokumentasi Linux, which is translating the LDP into the Malay language (ISO "MS").

The new project is being organized by Fazlil Aslan, nod@lili.my-linux.org, and grew out of an earlier project in 1999 which worked briefly on a Malay language distribution.

There are 19 separate translation projects, each of which operates independently of the LDP. They are:

We maintain a complete and up to date list of translation efforts on our website, as well as a large collection of links to other non-English resources. Outside of the auspices of the LDP, there are Linux resources in Arabic, Azerbaijani, Chinese, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Estonian, Finnish, French, Galician, German, Greek (Hellenic), Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Malaysian, Norwegian, Polish, Purtuguese, Romanian, Russian, Singapore, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Thai, Turkish, Vietnamese, Yugoslavian, and Walloon.

Linux is unquestionably an international phenomenon.

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