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September 1999 LinuxFocus issue

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Redhat went now public and everyone can buy their shares. Who would have predicted that? Yes, somehow it is a logical step but is it really still the original spirit of Linux? What's next ? LinuxFocus shares?

This month issue has again a number of interesting articles. Nerdbank is a new interesting project and it would be good if it would really take off.
Under "Software Development" and "UNIX Basics" we have this month a number of articles about scripting languages. Some of them will be continued in November.
Many people who have configured their sendmail using M4 will be happy to learn more about this macro language. This article shows how M4 can be used for "Webdesign" tasks.

The CD-rom article is meant for Linux newbies and has a lot of information that is often missing in the installation manuals of the various distributions. This is a pretty good issue and LinuxFocus will continue to publish good articles that we get from our staff and readers. Enjoy the new issue!


Software Development

UNIX Basics


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