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13Mar2000 processed HOWTOs

Backlog of HOWTOs have been processed (including the ones that came
in today via ldp-submit).

==> Assembly-HOWTO <==
  Linux Assembly HOWTO
  Konstantin Boldyshev  <mailto:konst@linuxassembly.org> and
  Franois-Ren Rideau <mailto:fare@tunes.org>
  v0.5f, March 02, 2000

==> Belgian-HOWTO <==
  The Belgian HOWTO
  by Dag Wieers, dag@mind.be
  v1.0.24, 29 February 2000

==> Busmouse-HOWTO <==
  The Linux Busmouse HOWTO
  Chris Bagwell, cbagwell@sprynet.com
  v2.0, 14 Feb 2000

==> Danish-HOWTO <==
  The Linux Danish/International HOWTO
  Niels Kristian Bech Jensen nkbj@sslug.dk
  v2.6, 9 March 2000

==> Ecology-HOWTO <==
  Linux Ecology HOWTO
  Werner Heuser < wehe@snafu.de > Wade W. Hampton <whamp-
  v0.6, 01 March 2000

==> Filesystems-HOWTO <==
  Filesystems HOWTO
  Martin Hinner <mhi@penguin.cz>
  Version 0.7.3, 8 December 1999

==> Font-HOWTO <==
  Font HOWTO
  Donovan Rebbechi, elflord@panix.com

  Mark F. Komarinski <markk@cgipc.com>
  $Id: HOWTO-HOWTO.sgml,v 1.3 2000/03/03 15:04:05 markk Exp $

==> Installation-HOWTO <==
  The Linux Installation HOWTO
  by Eric S. Raymond
  v4.22, 19 January 2000

==> Kodak-Digitalcam-HOWTO <==
  Kodak Digital Camera HOWTO
  David M. Burley, khemicals@stampede.org <mailto:khemi-
  v0.0.7, 20 February 2000

==> LDAP-HOWTO <==
  Luiz Ernesto Pinheiro Malere, malere@yahoo.com
  v1.01, 15 February 2000

==> Modem-HOWTO <==
  The Linux Modem-HOWTO
  David S.Lawyer    <mailto:dave@lafn.org>
  v0.09, 2 March 2000

==> MultiOS-HOWTO <==
  Managing Multiple Operating Systems HOWTO
  Robert W. Schultz
  v0.4, 17 Feb 2000

==> Plug-and-Play-HOWTO <==
  The Linux Plug-and-Play-HOWTO
  David S.Lawyer
  v0.10, 2 March 2000

==> RedHat-CD-HOWTO <==
  Burning a RedHat CD HOWTO
  Morten Kjeldgaard, mok@imsb.au.dk and Peter von der Ahe,
  $Date: 2000/03/02 16:28:37 $ $Revision: 1.34 $

==> SMB-HOWTO <==
  David Wood, dwood@plugged.net.au
  v1.2, 25 January 2000

==> Serial-HOWTO <==
  The Linux Serial HOWTO
  David S.Lawyer   dave@lafn.org original by Greg Hankins
  v2.06, 2 March 2000

==> Software-RAID-HOWTO <==
  The Software-RAID HOWTO
  Jakob OEstergaard (jakob@ostenfeld.dk)
  v. 0.90.7 19th of January 2000

==> Text-Terminal-HOWTO <==
  The Linux Text-Terminal-HOWTO
  David S. Lawyer  <mailto:dave@lafn.org>
  v1.11, 4 March 2000

==> Unix-and-Internet-Fundamentals-HOWTO <==
  The Unix and Internet Fundamentals HOWTO
  by Eric S. Raymond
  v1.6, 6 March 2000

==> XFree86-Touch-Screen-HOWTO <==
  Linux Touch Screen HOWTO
  Christoph Baumann, cgb@debian.org
  Dec 10, 1999

==> C-C++Beautifier-HOWTO <==
  C-C++ Beautifier HOW-TO
  Al Dev (Alavoor Vasudevan)  alavoor@yahoo.com
  v2.0, 11 March 2000

==> CVS-HOWTO <==
  CVS-RCS- HOW-TO document for Linux (Source Code Control System)
  Al Dev (Alavoor Vasudevan)  alavoor@yahoo.com
  v7.0, 20 Feb 2000

==> Diskless-HOWTO <==
  Diskless Nodes HOW-TO document for Linux
  Robert Nemkin        buci@math.klte.hu , Al Dev (Alavoor
  Vasudevan) - Maintainer of this HOWTO alavoor@yahoo.com ,
  Markus Gutschke markus+etherboot@gutschke.com , Ken Yap
  ken.yap@acm.org , Gero Kuhlmann gero@gkminix.han.de
  v8.0, 04 March 2000

==> PostgreSQL-HOWTO <==
  Database-SQL-RDBMS HOW-TO document for Linux (PostgreSQL
  Object Relational Database System)
  Al Dev (Alavoor Vasudevan)  alavoor@yahoo.com
  v17.0, 11 March 2000

==> Process-Monitor-HOWTO <==
  Process Monitor HOW-TO for Linux
  Al Dev (Alavoor Vasudevan) alavoor@yahoo.com
  v4.0, 04 March 2000

==> Vim-HOWTO <==
  Vim Color Editor HOW-TO (Vi Improved with syntax color high-
  Al Dev (Alavoor Vasudevan)  alavoor@yahoo.com
  v5.0, 04 March 2000

==> mini/Apache+SSL+PHP+fp <==
  Linux Apache SSL PHP/FI frontpage mini-HOWTO
  Marcus Faure, marcus@faure.de
  v1.1, July 1998

==> mini/Divert-Sockets-mini-HOWTO <==
  Divert Sockets mini-HOWTO
  Ilia Baldine, ibaldin@anr.mcnc.org
  v1.1, 27 February 2000

==> mini/Domain <==
  Setting Up Your New Domain Mini-HOWTO.
  by Christopher Neufeld (neufeld@physics.utoronto.ca)
  version 0.10. 2000-02-29.

==> mini/Firewall-and-ADSL-mini-HOWTO <==
  Bridge + Firewall + DSL Mini-HOWTO
  Derek Ney  derek@hipgraphics.com <mailto:derek@hipgraph-ics.com>
  Dec 1999

==> mini/IPMasquerading+Napster <==
  IPMasquerading+Napster mini-HOWTO
  John E. Danner

==> mini/Partition-Rescue-mini-HOWTO <==
  Partition Rescue mini HOWTO
  Jean-Daniel Dodin
  Jan 2000

==> mini/ZIP-Drive <==
  Zip Drive Mini-HOWTO
  Kyle Dansie,   dansie@ibm.net
  v2.4, 10 January 1999

Greg Ferguson     - s/w engr / mtlhd         | gferg@sgi.com
SGI Tech Pubs     - http://techpubs.sgi.com  | 
Linux Doc Project - http://www.linuxdoc.org  |

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