On Sat, 25 Sep 1999, David Lawyer wrote:
> In my case, the new site is unusable. My browser will not go there
> since the IP number is shared for more than one domain. There is no
> easy way for me to fix this other than buying a new computer and
> getting a different method of internet access. My lynx browser (not
> really mine since it resides at a BBS that will not update it) is an
> old version.
> More ...
My own imoression was that it was very well put together. However, I
ran into some problems when I tried to downlod "sgmltools". Netscape
provides only a dozen or so characters for a file name. Consequently
I couldn't read the entire names. What I got were four file names of
"sgmltools....". If you could make links with the version and type in
the first spaces it might help. This might require a notation in the
greeting message.
Also, if a "ftp://ftp.linuxdoc.org" could be opened, we could get the
full filename using the standard ftp program.
Thanks you for all your efforts.
Vernon C. Hoxie vern@zebra.alphacdc.com
3975 W. 29th Ave. uucp: 303-455-2670
Denver, Colo., 80212 voice: 303-477-1780
There is nothing so dangerous for manipulators
as people who think for themselves.
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