Hmm... This will present a problem, the site is currently coded to work in
all browsers but lynx does pose certain issues. I will see what I can do.
<PROJECT>LinuxPorts - http://www.linuxports.com </PROJECT>
<WEBMASTER>LDP - http://www.linuxdoc.org </WEBMASTER>
On Sun, 26 Sep 1999, David Lawyer wrote:
> Poet wrote:
> >
> >In regards to the Core Team statement, although there are a few out there
> >that could truly care less about who the "team" is. I can honestly say
> >that since we have placed the members in a very visible place people have
> >been actually been becoming positive about the project.
> Most of the people who come to the site are looking for info. On my lynx
> browser on a small screen, the core team takes up most of the first
> screen. It's OK to have them on the first screen but they should not come
> first. They need to be compactly arranged. The old site had a few links
> on a single line with everything single spaced. Now it's only a couple
> of words per line with double spacing. Thus I think that links to the
> HOWTOs should come first on the page (after a modest LDP title). And
> they should be more compactly arranged to accomodate large print on small
> screens (like my text-terminal).
> David Lawyer
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