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Re: QC volunteers? (Was: Re: General Positive Feedback re: revision of site (fwd))

On Mon, Sep 27, 1999 at 09:51:01AM +1000, Terry Dawson wrote:
> ... and then what? mutter comments into the winds?

You'd better send them to ldp-submit and Cc the author :-)

> Is there some document, that even briefly, describes the role and function
> of the QC, what actions they should take, and how they should take them?

It has been posted by Alessandro Rubini some weeks ago, clearly
explaining the goals and the functions of the members.
(BTW, could it be added to our site ?)

> As an author I'm not interested in submitting a document for QC and having
> ten responses telling me the same things. I'd like a single coordinated
> response please. Otherwise I might just as well use the community at large
> for QC as I always have.

As a 'trusted' author (this is not your first time) I doubt anyone will
reread your document, but you can request it if you want more immediate

Guylhem Aznar, Linux Documentation Project leader: http://www.linuxdoc.org
               Clef PGP/PGP key:    http://oeil.qc.ca/~guylhem
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