> Unfortunately the impression I got was that the new LDP has a gotten the
> focus of LDP completely wrong. Instead of focusing on the documentation
> aspect of the project by providing the best documentation possible e.g.
> making the life of the authors easier LDP chooses to concentrate on
> completely superficial things such as the graphic layout of the web site.
I am afraid that this is entirely not true, please remember that just
because "I" say something, this does not reflect the entire team. It only
reflects what I am responsible for. I am responible for the Website, and
the website currently is the most visible part of the LDP. Therefore I can
see why that would be the impression. However I assure you that we are in
constant cotact about the other issues that have been raised about the
I don't know if this will help but these are the things that I am
currently working on.
In Progess:
Private Discussion:
Area for authors only (online web based)
This will include an area for suggestions/comments so that they
archived and implemented if required.
Links page:
Changing the Links page so that it it separate pages instead
of 1 big page.
Online Submit:
The ability to automatically submit your SGML document write into
the LDP archives for publishing. This is not a live submit, but it is
better than it was.
FTP Access:
I have offered FTP access to every author, but I am awaiting
approval for this.
GUY: I know he is working on CVS as is TIM
GREG: Is working on helping with some of the website issues
Anyway I hope this helps a little bit.
> The CVS we are told will be up in about three weeks while an existing CVS
> site (metalab) is turned down. So I feel there is a pattern already
> showing and based on my previous experience I feel that there is a high
> probability history will repeat itself.
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