Jim Pick <jim@jimpick.com> writes:
> Poet/Joshua Drake <poet@linuxports.com> writes:
> > Hello,
> >
> > This has already been gone over and the banner will be removed once the
> > agreement has ended.
> Let me get this right...
> Somehow, "we" have entered into a contractual obligation to run a
> banner ad?
> Ugh.
> Now I'm going to get nasty...
> Generally speaking, it's a bad thing when volunteer projects with
> little or no management heirarchy start getting involved in
> "agreements" and "obligations". Even a substantial project like
> Debian tends to shy away from doing stuff like that. That's part of
> the reason they've been successful.
> There have been quite a few volunteer organizations that I have seen
> that have lost all their support and died because the "core team" (or
> whatever they call themselves) starts making deals on the side without
> support from the base membership.
> > After which point there will be no banners at the top
> > of the page, or probably any where else for that matter. Any banners that
> > would be placed would be for other open source projects, similar to the
> > way linux.com does it and THAT is only if it is approved.
> No banner ads is what I want.
> > The banner will be removed on DEC-15,1999.
> December 15th !?!
> That's ridiculous.
> Call them up and renegotiate the agreement. Tell them that you're
> going to have a mutiny on your hands if you don't.
> > By the way, you are probably right, they don't deserve the amount of
> > exposure that they are getting, but because of their sponsorship we
> > actually have received some GOOD entries to the logo contest. Previous to
> > that we didn't get squat.
> >
> > In regards to the design, it is temporary and will be chaning drastically
> > once the new logo is decided upon.
> I'm not even sure what we need a logo for in the first place.
> Our "need" for a logo does not come anywhere close to the justifying
> the mess that is now on the home page.
> If you poll the list of people that have contributed to the LDP, I
> think you'll find that most of them *hate* the banner ad. Same goes
> for the Linux community at large.
> This reflects badly on the people involved in the project, and the
> "core team" especially. I suspect that a large percentage of the
> former contributors to the project are a little bit disgruntled.
> Cheers,
> - Jim
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