On Sat, 23 Oct 1999, Poet/Joshua Drake wrote:
> > G> We must tell people where they can find good quality and free
> > G> documentation.
> >
> > I hate to state the obvious, but this is a non-issue.
> I am afraid, at least in IMHO it is not obvious, agreed, most people that
> are reasonable Linux Veterans know of the Linux Documentation Project but
> most people I talk to that are just "hobbyists" have never heard of us.
But attending costly shows will serve this purpose very little. (At least
you get very little results for the amount of money spend.)
Every single lecture about Linux I have given so far has a number of links
to the LDP. Checking out the ways people find the LDP website proves very
interesting as I can tell for the Dutch mirror site. (To get a hunch on
the NLLGG mirror site goto: http://webalizer.nllgg.nl/ldp.nllgg.nl/)
> Most new users don't even know where the /usr/doc directory is. And even
> if it is listed in the CD or Book... when was the last time you read the
> instructions?
Do you expect such bad habits too change without a budget the size of a
major movie? (And even with such budgets I don't think it will change.)
> > LDP visibility is not an issue.
> I disagree, it is very much an issue. IMHO the LDP has completed it's job
> until it is the absolute first place that "EVERY" person looks for
> documentation on Linux.
It's an issue but I haven't seen good solutions yet. The best I can think
of is making speakers aware of the LDP. Get in contact with SSC and give
an interview or write an article in the Linux Journal. Exchange links with
the major Linux sites.
So let's attend to the documentation for now and improve both documents
and procedures. And get exposure where you can.
Hugo van der Kooij; Oranje Nassaustraat 16; 3155 VJ Maasland
hvdkooij@caiw.nl http://home.kabelfoon.nl/~hvdkooij/
Use of any of my email addresses for unsollicited (commercial)
email is a clear intrusion of my privacy and illegal!
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