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Re: free vs. non-free debate

On Tue, 2 Nov 1999, Guylhem Aznar wrote:

> On Mon, Nov 01, 1999 at 09:40:21AM +0100, Alessandro Rubini wrote:
> > Please note that I'm not against helping people in their problems,
> > independently of the freeness of the relevant packages.  It's the LDP,
> > as an organization, that should not promote non-free software by
> > endorsing the documenting task.
> We will refuse documentation covering non-free software.
> Free software need free documentation, we don't mind non-free software.

Just curious.

What happens if someone is offered the ability to get paid for writing
free documentation for non-free software? Will you refuse it? Even if this
means turning down a good document?


Hugo van der Kooij; Oranje Nassaustraat 16; 3155 VJ  Maasland
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