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Re: VA Linux's Spamming

On Wed, 24 Nov 1999 Hugo.van.der.Kooij@caiw.nl wrote:

> On Wed, 24 Nov 1999, Yves Bellefeuille wrote:
> > I received two messages, each over 1 Mb, from VA Linux about their
> > initial public offering (IPO).
> > 
> > Red Hat did the same thing some time ago, and I didn't say too much,
> > because it was Red Hat. I now think that was a mistake. If VA Linux is
> > sending 1 Mb to everybody whose name appears somewhere in the Linux
> > documentation, that's a lot of crap to send down the system.
> > 
> > I didn't join the LDP to get on spammers' mailing lists, and I'm upset
> > about this. 
> They didn't get it from this list as far as I can tell.

If they did, they didn't do a very good job; I didn't get one. I only get
spam from easyspace.com.
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| David M. Webster '------------------------------' (aka cogNiTioN) |
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