On Wed, Dec 15, 1999 at 09:32:19PM -0800, Gregory Leblanc wrote:
> > "They who can give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary
> > safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety." - Benjamin Franklin
> one of my favorite quotes. :)
Now my favorite one :-)
Took me time, but I more or less understand what is happening, how our
liberties are sold or simply 'deleted' by some stupid law (digital
millenium is a good example)
> > For short works which become much larger if this License is added, we
> > recommend simply putting them in the public domain.
> I have no idea what the last sentence here could really mean, unless
> he's referring to VERY short articles, in which case I almost follow.
I think it's referring to the READMEs or comments (/* */) in source code
> > You may also lend copies, under the same conditions stated above, and
> > you may publicly display copies.
> Perhaps better put as "You may also lend or display copies, under the
> same conditions stated above." Unless you may display copies NOT under
> the condidions above.
Dunno. Both sound fine.
> Not sure on the issues with this one (ie, please make some comments),
> but I would like to see the authors names displayed on the outside of
> any printed works, as well as the publisher and the title.
It's the purpose of this section.
> Perhaps another mention that these must be marked as modifications to
> the original work?
You *can't* change NTS.
> version, and I don't have the option of saying that it's only valid for
> version 1.3, and no others.
As the copyright holder you can add this, but it doesn't make much
sense. License arent't changing that fast.
> This license feels pretty tough to me, which is probably a good thing.
> I'm going to go back and really the OCL again (which I really liked the
> first time I read it) and see what it says, just for comparison.
Ok, please tell me.
(I'll forward your (*) requests, but please tell me if you want the
others to be sent too)
Guylhem Aznar, Linux Documentation Project: http://www.linuxdoc.org
PGP key: http://oeil.qc.ca/~guylhem ; Email: guylhem \@/ oeil.qc.ca
"They who can give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary
safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety." - Benjamin Franklin
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