On Mon, Jan 10, 2000 at 02:54:07PM +0000, Kim Lester wrote:
> > > Thus a user has a list of available books.
> > > Books would be installed wither locally, on a LAN or on the net.
> >
> > I like to see a book called a book.
> Huh ? If you mean there shouldn't be any distinction between local and
> net books then I agree, except
This isn't what I meant and it's my fault for not making it clear. I
had read your statement:
>Books might actually consist of docuemnts that appear in several places
>as relevant.
I was concerned about overlap of content and didn't like the idea of
calling this a "book". But I suppose that if the parts all fit
together it could be a "virtual-book". Thus I thought that if it's
not really a book it should be given another name.
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