On Tue, Jan 25, 2000 at 02:46:41PM -0500, Greg Ferguson wrote:
> On Jan 25, 11:31am, Gregory Leblanc wrote:
> > Perhaps we could have a complete archive at the master site, with
> > only the latest 3 months or something mirrored?
> Yes, I was thinking that may be appropriate. I wanted to hear
> what the group thought.
> Cutting off at a particular time frame could (potentially) break
> up the threads of discussion, so we would have to massage the
> files properly to indicate this (or reference the master site
> if one wished to see "the rest of the discussion"...something
> along those lines).
How about using absolute reference to these messages? Instead of using
a relative path, we could make the indexer point to the master
site. This way there's no need to mirror all messages and there's no
problem of broken references...
Godoy. <godoy@conectiva.com.br> GPG Fingerprint
851B B620 626D 2AD0 E783
"Ser poeta não é minha ambição, E932 1330 BE6D A4A3 0625
é minha maneira de estar sozinho"
- Fernando Pessoa. Publicações @ Conectiva S.A.
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