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Re: mini-HOWTO

On Wed, 26 Jan 2000, Terry Dawson wrote:

> Gary Lawrence Murphy wrote:
> > But you also have no recourse to prevent others from maintaining it
> > (except, in the case of several frustrating parts of K, when you
> > write very cryptic code with no docs)
> Of course, free means free.
> > Ah, I love it when someone finds a precident! :)  Yes, this rule
> > would be perfect.
> Look, on the whole the Debian project already have working models for
> all sorts of volunteer collaborations. It's a huge (1000's? of people
> packaging software), completely volunteer, project that manages to set
> and maintain distribution wide standards and I think pretty damned high
> quality as well. It deals with sometimes extremely complex
> interdependencies between contributions, just as any documentation
> project would have to. Some aspects of the process can be a little
> annoying/daunting to new contributors (registration of PGP key, with
> phone call, signing etc.), but they're really small hurdles that keep
> less committed players in the contrib arena and out of where they could
> cause harm/confusion.

One of the problems mentioned here as well as the ode group is that there
are too many hurdles at this point. Writing docs isn't near as sexy as
whacking out some code :). Maybe we should copy the Debian model more
closely, e.g. assign LDP maintainers who take the upstream docs and get it
to fit LDP wishes. If the upstream doc format really conflicts it'd suck,
but for most cases it wouldn't be bad. As in the Debian model, the
upstream maintainer could also be the LDP maintainer. This gets someone
form LDP to be working more closely with upstream maintainers or hopefully
gets upstream maintainers to work more closely with the LDP :).

I'm not in favor of splitting the docs up, but it would be possible to do
"LDP" and "non-LDP" sections. Would the non-LDP section have to be hosted
out of .nl? :)

This would also give us the ability to use a bug db similar to Debian's.



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