I think we should list LDP on the OSWG (Open Source Writer's Group)
website in their "Open Source Projects List". This will help LDP
recruit volunteers. Here's what I propose we say. Let me know if you
have any suggestions for improving this, etc. The section headings
(such as "homepage:" with inconsistent capitalization) are a required
OSWG format that we probably have no control over.
homepage: Linux Documentation Project <our url>
contact: Guylhem Aznar <his email>
The Linux Documentation Project is an informal organization of
volunteers writing documentation for the GNU/Linux Operating System.
We have written about 140 HOWTOs and numerous other documents. These
are distributed at over 200 mirror sites worldwide.
Documentation Needs:
We need more people to write and review documentation. Other projects
include integration of GNU/Linux documentation and improving our
website. See "Volunteers" on our homepage and our "Howto-HOWTO".
David Lawyer
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