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Re: LinuxDoc/DocBook

I'm in the process of updating the HOWTO to take into account CVS access
and DocBook.  I just got the DocBook information today, and have been
busily studying the DocBook Guide from ORA (great reference).

I'd like to say I'll have this done next week, but that might be pushing it.


Daniel Lopez wrote:
> Hi,
> I am trying to figure this out but I am not clear.
> My understanding of the situation:
> - Older Howtos are written in LinuxDoc, we are moving now to DocBook
> - The current HOWTO-HOWTO covers Linuxdoc, no DocBook
> What I need:
> - I am going to write a new how-to from scratch. I assume I should do it
> using DocBook. I am familiar with LinuxDoc, not with DocBook
>    * Where can I find information/examples about DocBook format? (another
>      howto written in DocBook will do fine)
>    * There were some mails about CVS, etc.  Are we using it already? any
>    documents that posts the current provedures for submitting the how-to
> Thanks
> Daniel
> --
> daniel@rawbyte.com
> There is a difference between knowing the path and walking the path.
> --
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