On Mar 23, 4:11pm, Pal Domokos wrote:
> Subject: Re: Kudos and question
> > [...]
> > In case anyone is interested, here are the tools being used for
> > processing on metalab:
> >
> > =======================
> > For support of linuxdoc:
> > =======================
> >
> > sgml-tools 1.0.9 -
> >
> >
> > htmldoc (1.8.4) -
> > ftp://ftp.easysw.com/pub/htmldoc/1.8.4/htmldoc-1.8.4-source.zip
> >
> > fltk 1.0.7 (required by htmldoc for their GUI; I built it anyway) -
> > ftp://ftp.fltk.org/pub/fltk/1.0.7/fltk-1.0.7-source.zip
> >
> > ld2db -
> > http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/users/rrt1001/ld2db.zip
> >
> > ======================
> > For support of DocBook:
> > ======================
> >
> > Jade (1.2.1) -
> > ftp://ftp.jclark.com/pub/jade/jade-1.2.1.tar.gz
> >
> > DSSSL (1.52) -
> > http://nwalsh.com/docbook/dsssl/db152.zip
> >
> let me note that the documentation for DSSSL is here:
> http://nwalsh.com/docbook/dsssl/db152d.zip
Good point. You can also get to the DocBook Stylesheet
documentation from a link found here: http://nwalsh.com/docbook/dsssl/
> > DocBook DTD (3.1) -
> > http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/sgml/3.1/docbk31.zip
> >
> The DocBook HOWTOs on linuxdoc are of the type
> <!DOCTYPE Article PUBLIC "-//Davenport//DTD DocBook V3.0//EN">,
> while the DocBook DTD is 3.1, with the following line in the
> docbook.cat file:
> PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook V3.1//EN" "docbook.dtd".
> Is this OK?
Ideally, they should be authored/set as 3.1 to work with
the stock 3.1 DocBook DTD.
I made two modifications to the default SGML catalog file
that comes with the 3.1 DocBook DTD distribution (docbook.cat).
Ideally, I should have created a new catalog and referenced
it via the SGML_CATALOG_FILES environment variable, OR
referenced it on the command line when the necessary tools
are invoked.
Anyway, here are the changes...
1) In the "DocBook driver file" listing, which contains the line:
PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook V3.1//EN" "docbook.dtd"
I added:
PUBLIC "-//Davenport//DTD DocBook V3.0//EN" "docbook.dtd"
So I now have:
-- DocBook driver file .................................. --
PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook V3.1//EN" "docbook.dtd"
PUBLIC "-//Davenport//DTD DocBook V3.0//EN" "docbook.dtd"
2) I found information on a "warning" that gets generated from jade.
It's supposed to be harmless, but is annoying. From the DocBook DTD
documentation, under step 2 of the "installing the docbook dtd"
section (http://nwalsh.com/docbook/dsssl/doc/install.html)
"Note, however, that Jade does not understand the DTDDECL
directive in catalog files and will issue a warning if
you use docbook.cat unchanged."
I removed the DTDDECL line:
DTDDECL "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook V3.1//EN" "docbook.dcl"
> > Entities -
> > ftp://ftp.ornl.gov/pub/sgml/WG8/DOCS/
> >
> What are these? What are they needed for? They don't seem to be
> entities to me.
I was missing the *.gml files (a form of ISO entity files) declared
in the docbook.cat default catalog. I loaded the missing file from the
site above. The files go into the same directory as where the DTD
distribution is installed.
> [...]
Jorge (Godoy) or others may be able to provide more information on
this, and perhaps provide a more elegant solution to the problems
and changes I outlined above. All I know is that this setup does
seem to work quite well for both linuxdoc and docbook SGML; and
that was the desired outcome.
Greg Ferguson - s/w engr / mtlhd | gferg@sgi.com
SGI Tech Pubs - http://techpubs.sgi.com |
Linux Doc Project - http://www.linuxdoc.org |
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