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Re: A pint of Guiness

no no no :) Not a bottle -- A Can... yes I am serious. No of course it is not as
good as a decent pour but the Canned version is one of the best you can buy "in a


Gary Lawrence Murphy wrote:

> >>>>> "J" == Joshua Drake <poet@linuxports.com> writes:
>     J> First off, you can't just have 1 pint of Guiness that is
>     J> sacrilage. It is at least 2 and less than 4 if you have to work
>     J> the next day before 10:00 AM. On a weekend after payday it is a
>     J> minimum of a 6 pack + 3.
> What????  Guiness in a bottle is not a Guiness, its a marketing ploy.
> Or do you mean 6 kegs?  I'll stand by me Imperial Pint, thank you.
> BTW, did you know that thousands of pints of Guiness are wasted each
> year by being trapped in moustaches?  It's true.  Guiness commissioned
> the study and the results came in late last year.
> --
> Gary Lawrence Murphy <garym@linux.ca>: office voice/fax: 01 519 4222723
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