"der.hans" wrote:
>Didn't know about that. A good reason to be careful, even though it
doesn't apply in this case as the LDP isn't a NPO AFAIK.
Don't know about that - things may be different than you think:
For example:
>> Date: Fri, 5 May 2000 12:08:29 -0400
>> From: Guylhem Aznar <guylhem@metalab.unc.edu>
>> The LDP is IRS 501 C 3, non profit, and has been writing free
documentation for
>> years.
If a hint of political action taints the LDP, donors may not be able to deduct
donations. Since Guylhem was discussing donations of equipment to augment the
stuff now owned by LDP, I'd suggest being extremely careful about anything
labeled "political."
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