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Re: [oswg-dis] LDP could use some help with markup.

On Mon, 8 May 2000, Gregory Leblanc wrote:

> partha [algolog@hd1.vsnl.net.in]
> author of the Pre-Installation Checklist HOWTO.

>   Is there anybody out there who would like to help,
> ideally by taking the document and marking it up in DocBook SGML, and then
> working with the author for a revision or two to make sure that they've got
> the grasp of DocBook SGML?

I wouldn't mind taking this on, as I've already worked on a variant
version of it privately -- but don't let me put anyone else off, as I've
got lots on my plate elsewhere.

For starters, I'm off to London for three days, so don't expect any quick
responses from me just yet. :)

Martin Wheeler         -         StarTEXT - Glastonbury - BA6 9PH - England
[1] mwheeler@startext.co.uk                      http://www.startext.co.uk/
[2] mwheeler@startext.f9.co.uk

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