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Re: HOWTO-HOWTO recommendations

Stein Gjoen wrote:

> Consider this as an addition to the H-H style guide:
> "Write concisely. Organize, organize, organize. Ask yourself these three
> questions:
> "1. Does every topic contribute to the goal of the document?
> "2. Does every subtopic contribute to the goal of the parent topic?
> "3. Does every sentence within a subtopic contribute to the goal of
> the subtopic?"

I second that.

> > I am not sure myself. The process concists of a number of steps, not all
> > are Linux specific. The Template itself could be used to document systems
> > based on VAX/VMS if you wish. Here is how I see it:
> >
> >  1:get tools and start      H-H        Linux Specific
> >  2:intro to SGML            H-H?       General purpose
> >  3:intro to LinuxDoc        example/T  Linux specific
> >  5:style guide              soon in T  LDP specific, possibly general
> >  4:get template and write   Template   General purpose
> >  5:submission to LDP        H-H        LDP specific
> >  6:link checking            linkcheck  General purpose/HTML

I thought the LDP was going to DocBook 3.1. If there's an "intro to LinuxDoc," there
ought to be an "intro to DocBook" and there ought also to be an explanation of why two
DTDs are being referenced. Also, jade and Norman Walsh's DSSSL seem to work with
DocBook, not LinuxDoc. Is this true? And shouldn't it be noted?


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