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RE: Updates/changes to the HOWTO template.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Stein Gjoen [mailto:sgjoen@mail.nyx.net]
> Sent: Thursday, June 08, 2000 12:52 AM
> To: Gregory Leblanc
> Cc: Greg Ferguson; Ldp Discuss List (E-mail)
> Subject: Re: Updates/changes to the HOWTO template.
> Gregory Leblanc wrote:
> > 
> > > -----Original Message-----
> > > From: Stein Gjoen [mailto:sgjoen@mail.nyx.net]
> [snip]
> > > Inter-HOWTO linking is hard as we cannot know the final 
> file structure
> > > in a distribution. All HTML files might be in one huge 
> directory or
> > > in their own directory such as
> > >       file:///usr/doc/HOWTO/Template/Template.html
> > > in which case a simpe relative link will fail.
> > > Worse, the HOWTOs might be under /usr/share/doc/HOWTO (for FHS)
> > > as opposed to under /usr/doc/HOWTO (as for the 
> traditional FSSTND).
> > 
> > Hmm, I don't have access to a Linux machine right here, but 
> I want to take a
> > look again.  I'm not sure, hmm...  What about just doing 
> relative linking,
> > you know, without pointing to a specific place in the 
> filesystem, just a
> That solves the FSSTND-FHS issue but not that of single/sub directory
> structure. If you wanted to refer to the Template (as an 
> example), would
> it be as "./Template.html" or "../Template//Template.html" ?

Bleah, that's messy, huh?  Lots of different things to break

> > HOWTO?  Can we make the stylesheets or some pre-processor 
> smart enough to
> > point to the right format of the HOWTO?  The plain text 
> HOWTOs should just
> > include the name of that HOWTO, the HTML ones should point 
> to the HTML
> > versions, the PDF versions to the PDF versions, etc.
> The cleanest solution is to form a sub group of the LDP to create
> and maintain RPM files (The Debian maintainer is already in the LDP).
> This gives us control over the LDP specific structure and also I
> believe this will ensure more distributions package the latest
> documents as opposed to 2 year old ones.

True.  We'd probably want to create 2 spec files, one for FSSSSSSSSTND, and
one for FHS.  Actually, we might be able to get away with just a single spec
file that's relocatable to do the whole thing.  Of couse, all of my other
attempts to do that have failed.  :)

> > > A post-installation script might work in which case a <HOWTO> tag
> > > might come in useful for inter-HOWTO linking.
> > >
> > > The second problem of finding related HOWTOs by hand requires
> > > a single line synopsis and a set of keywords, neither of which
> > > is yet supported by LinuxDoc. I do hope I can persuade someone
> > > to make it.
> > 
> > Obviously, I'm not a big fan of Linuxdoc.  I don't think 
> that extending it
> > is really worthwhile at this point.  I need to investigate 
> that limited
> Well, it does work, and the HTML-files are by default sensibly named
> while the DocBook file names look like they went through a shredder.

True, but that's trivially fixed.  Read Godoy's Using DocBook HOWTO, he can
probably even tell you what section it's in.  Later,


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