On Sun, 11 Jun 2000, Feloy wrote:
> M. Leo Cooper wrote:
> >
> > Thanks for the encouragement. I'll submit the first draft of the
> > "Shell-Scripting HOWTO" (or maybe "Bash-Scripting HOWTO") in ASCII text form
> > within the next week.
> >
> > I am sure you can handle DocBook though.
> >
> > Yeah, I could probably hack it, if necessary. Does this mean that you prefer
> > the HOWTO authors to do the markup, rather than the volunteers?
> >
> Hi,
> If you want, I can convert it into Docbook. If you are interested,
> please cross-post me your doc when available, or warn me of its
> availability.
> Thanks,
> -
> Philippe Martin
I appreciate the offer, and might just take you up on it, depending on time
constraints, etc. Before I consider that, first I want to submit the first
draft in text form, hopefully before the week is out, then get to a final text
IMHO, any assistance in converting HOWTOs from text to Docbook should result
in some sort of co-authorship of the HOWTO, or at least some mention. Has
there been any discussion of this by the group?
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