--- Gary Preckshot <garrell@inreach.com> wrote:
> LDP is being held back by rugged individualists who are determined to
> write in raw SGML.
I wrote my first howto using Lyx. But I've been writing DocBook in vi
(VIM to be precise) for a while now. I'm a touch-typist, so vi is the
fastest editor I can use. It's syntax-highlighting provides plenty of
help - a mis-typed tag stands out a mile. Using vi doesn't make me an
individualist, it means I use the tools that suit my skills and style
(and how individualist can it be when millions of other *nix users work
the same way.)
Along the way you've made some valid points but the showing-off, the
sideswipes and put-downs on people who work differently, the assumption
that people know less than you and are wrong-headed or stupid if they
disagree... none of this is winning friends or arguments.
I see a mouse. Where? There, on the stair. And its clumsy wooden
footwear makes it easy to trap and kill.
-- Harry Hill