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Re: SlackwareDoc.org?

"The Pyralinx" <pyralinx@hotmail.com> writes:

> I am very interested in registering and starting SlackwareDoc.org. I am looking for other authors which would like
> to contribute to writing slackware specific HOWTO's If anyone is interested Drop me an email :0

Although this is a nice idea, I don't see it with good eyes.

I think that it's worth to have all documentation centralized in one
place and it is LDP. 

Why having Slackware docs, RH docs, SuSE docs, Conectiva docs, Debian
docs, etc. instead of havingone place to hold *Linux* docs? We need to
get united and provide a concise source of documentation and not
fragment in distribution specific documentation. 

One advantage of having these documents at LDP is that if the author
focused on, lets say, Slackware, I can write him about how to do that
in Conectiva, somebody will write about doing it in Debian and so
on. We can help each other to have a generic document and not a
distribution specific one.

These are my 4 cents (well... brazilian money is about half the value
of a dollar... ;-))
Godoy.	<godoy@conectiva.com> 

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