Stein Gjoen <> wrote:
> As you all have heard there was a plan to restart traffic by the LDP on
> the newsgroup news:comp.os.linux.announce some time ago. Nothing has
> appeared. Several of us have attempted on a number of occations to send
> material and also to contact the newsgroup moderator
> to no avail.
If the moderator of comp.os.linux.answers has disappeared or isn't
answering his mail, the best solution would be to replace him. Is there
a volunteer? I'm a regular participant in news.groups and can take care
of the formal requirements to change moderators.
If you're interested in volunteering, please read:
Moderated Newsgroups FAQ
Pitfalls of Newsgroup Moderation
However, I think that moderating an "answers" group is much less work
than moderating a "discussion" group.
Yves Bellefeuille <>, Ottawa, Canada
Francais / English / Esperanto
Maintainer, Esperanto FAQ:
PGP key at the servers and at
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