I'm working on writing manpages for each of the programs installed by
the pilot-link package. I sent an email to the author of the
PalmOS-HOWTO to ask if I could send updates or take over maintenance
of the document, and have had no reply yet (though it's only been a
few days). I'm tempted to simply start writing and wait maybe another
week before expecting a response.
The author, David Silber, has written several documents about using
Pilot with Linux (Palm-Development-HOWTO and PalmConduit-HOWTO, all
updated over six months ago) that perhaps should be updated and
organized more intuitively. If nothing else, there are many more
Linux programs that make use of the Pilot now than a year ago that
deserve mention and are more functional than the mostly-examples
included in pilot-link, and more issues that don't have easily answers
in the LDP yet: communicating with a Visor through its USB, for
Until I hear otherwise, I'll just continue working on the pilot-link
manpages. Should be done in the next few days.
Chris Riddoch - chris@textcode.com
Documentation and programming consultant - Linux specialist
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