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Re: [Fwd: [Fwd: First Open Source Documentation Summit at the O'Reilly Open Source Convention]]

perhaps jadetex can be improved rather than re-inventing the wheel?

bortzmeyer@pasteur.fr on 19/07/2000 09:55:38

To:   camille@mandrakesoft.com
cc:   docbook-apps@lists.oasis-open.org, ldp-discuss@lists.linuxdoc.org,

Subject:  Re: [Fwd: [Fwd: First Open Source Documentation Summit at the
      O'Reilly Open Source Convention]]

On Wednesday 19 July 2000, at 10 h 41, the keyboard of Camille
=?iso-8859-1?Q?B=E9gnis?= <camille@mandrakesoft.com> wrote:

> I am personally not really happy with jadetex and some others too I
> know.
> Do the other people here use it?

Forced to do so.

> Are you happy with it?

No. It is buggy, it does not handle non-english languages (french typography,
for instance).

> Do you use something else?

For smaller DTDs, I developed my own XML->LaTeX translator.

> Did you think in developing something else?

I vaguely studied doing the same for DocBook but it is not a one-afternoon

> I have unhopeful not the sufficient skills in TeX to initiate it myself,

It does not imply strong LaTeX skills. Just DSSSL or XSL knowledge (and
DocBook fluency, of course).

> but we, at MandrakeSoft, are interested in participating in the project
> of developing a new solution. A completely rewritten "print" stylesheet,
> generating true LaTeX seems to be the solution.

I agree. A DSSSL "stylesheet" can generate LaTeX and so can XSL with the
output=text method.

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