>>>>> "Guylhem" == Guylhem Aznar <guylhem@metalab.unc.edu> writes:
Guylhem> As Garry reported, each distro wants to build its own
Guylhem> package in its own way : they will be responsible of
Guylhem> "loading" /usr/share/doc/HOWTO with the HOWTOs,
Guylhem> /usr/share/doc/FAQ with the FAQs, etc.
Guylhem> Users downloading doc form linuxdoc.org will have it
Guylhem> installed under /opt/ldp/HOWTO, /opt/ldp/FAQ, etc.
Please, let's not do that. Having two possible different places for
the same documentation is very bad. One might have two copies of each
document, one may have outdated documents being used, etc.
Let's do the things the way we've done 'til now: giving tar.gz
packages updated daily.
Distributors can get it and package the way they want (without having
to duplicate our job or without us having to duplicate their job) and
users can get this source and recreate their package with their
distributions package system.
See you,
Godoy. <godoy@conectiva.com>
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