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Re: Navigation, was Re: Idea : common dir and tree

Guylhem Aznar wrote:
> Would you have time to sum up the current agreed propositions, including
> dir. tree?

I'll try:

            Proposal v1.0

Tree structure (FHS compliant, ref http://www.pathname.com/fhs/ ):

       HOWTO/        - the HOWTOs in HTML format goes here
         index.html  - Our cover page (*)
         00-index    - a contents list for file and FTP browsers
         (other relevant pages linked to from index.html above)

         text/       - same HOWTOS but as plain text
           index.html  - Our index page (**)
           00-index    - a contents list for file and FTP browsers

         PDF/        - same HOWTOS but as PDF
           index.html  - Our index page
           00-index    - a contents list for file and FTP browsers

           index.html  - Our index page 
           00-index    - a contents list for file and FTP browsers

           index.html  - Our index page
           00-index    - a contents list for file and FTP browsers

           index.html  - Our index page
           00-index    - a contents list for file and FTP browsers

       GUIDES/       - the Guides in HTML format
           index.html  - Our index page
           00-index    - a contents list for file and FTP browsers

           index.html  - Our index page
           00-index    - a contents list for file and FTP browsers

           index.html  - Our index page
           00-index    - a contents list for file and FTP browsers

           index.html  - Our index page
           00-index    - a contents list for file and FTP browsers

           index.html  - Our index page
           00-index    - a contents list for file and FTP browsers

           index.html  - Our index page
           00-index    - a contents list for file and FTP browsers

Likewise for other potential directories such as RFCs, FAQs from
Usenet News, other documents and standards.


The 00-index files describe the contents and follow the normal
conventions on the net. Some FTP clients and file browsers can
use these for (semi) intelligent navigation.

The index.html marked with (*) is based on the main page you see
when you browse http://www.LinuxDoc.org/ with some minor exceptions:
 - the links from that page point to files on disk using relative
file:// URLs. Remember many do not have online access.
 - added links that point to the corresponding area at LinuxDoc.org
  in order to get the latest copy for those who are online.

Example: the link looks like "Guides [web]"
where Guides points to file://guides.html
and   [web]  points to http://www.linuxdoc.org/guides.html

A number of other HTML pages will be in the same directory
such as manifesto.html, mirrors.html etc. The idea is to make
the on disk files comprehensible.

The index.html NOT marked with (*) is based on the page you see
at http://www.linuxdoc.org/sorted_howtos_quick.html
and can in fact mostly be pointers to a single contents file
which would be most natural to keep in the ./HTML sub directory.
This web page would then need pointers to directories for any
kind of format provided.

   Stein Gjoen

(PS: I am going on a 3 week holiday starting this weekend and I
am unlikely to be reachable over the net during this period. The
entry to LWN has been submitted and might make it for this weeks

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