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Re: DOCBOOK-APPS: Re: Future of jadetex (Was: First Open SourceDocumentation Summit at the O'Reilly Open Source Convention

Gary Lawrence Murphy writes:

 >     S> Camille =?iso-8859-1?Q?B=E9gnis?= writes:
 >     >> >From what I heard O'Reilly uses non-free tools. Which one BTW?
 >     S> Framemaker, I believe. O'Reilly books are not free either, by
 >     S> the way.
 > Pearson is investigating XMetal --- we are determined to publish the
 > Kernelbook end-to-end in DocBook XML.

Depends on the book, doesn't it. It may be very easy. I, of course,
believe that it would be easy using PassiveTeX. If any of you have the
proceedings CD-ROM of XML Europe 2000, look at the PDF versions of the
papers on that - all done from XML using PassiveTeX.

I expect O'Reilly dont do TeX now that Norm has left :-}


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