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missing files in my Gnome browser

Just got on board today and love it.

Q: My Gnome browser pops up to offer help pages which I like, but 3 of
the links in particular  don't work.
I get an error msg saying that the file is missing.
These 3 files that do this would be under a heading 'Red Hat Manuals':
/usr/doc/rhl-gsg-6.2en/index.html [link says Red Hat Linux Getting
Started Guide]
/usr/doc/rhl-ig-6.2en/index.html [link says Red Hat Linux Install Guide]

/usr/doc/rhl-rg-6.2en/index.html [link says Red Hat Linux Reference

note: i bought the CD from linuxcentral.com for $1.95 only. Maybe that's
why. Red Hat 6.2
Dave (newbie)

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