"Anthony E . Greene" wrote:
> On 26 Aug 2000 16:35 Stephen Cook wrote:
> >Has anyone put all the documentation into a searchable/displayable
> >database? It doesn't seem like it would be a difficult programming
> >exercise to generate the schema/SQL... The difficulty would be in
> >populating the database (finding/maintaining the correct information)...
> So far most people use grep for the LDP docs. On a modern PC, this is very
> usable. For man pages "man -k string" or "apropos string" will do the trick.
> There have been discussion on this list about tools to use build a database
> style solution using the SGML source but the solution does not exist yet and
> grep has been Good Enough.
I've beeen on the mailing list for the "Dewey" project, and I'm
wondering who else on this list is. It appears that some wet cycles are
being applied to the problem there.
David C. Merrill, Ph.D.
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