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Re: Possible contribution

On Sep 5, 12:21pm, Toby Russell wrote:
> Subject: Possible contribution
> Dear all,
> First of all is anyone out there writing a HOWTO on configuring X
> to work with the Intel i810 graphics chipset? If so I would like
> to know since I have finished a first draft.

Nothing that we/I have heard of.

> Initially I had only thought to post the instructions at various
> websites to  help fellow strugglers with what is for beginners
> (and often experts) a tricky procedure. However, a person with
> whom I am communicating about this suggested recently that my
> efforts so far could be considered as a  mini-HOWTO, so I have
> begun to look into how the existing document should be
> formatted etc. I am dismayed to discover that I must learn SGML,
> at least to  a minor degree. I don't even have any experience
> with HTML. Which brings me to question two. Has anyone got any
> recommendations as to which instructive material is best for the
> beginner learning SGML? Assuming of course, that
> the mini-HOWTO I would like to complete would be welcome and useful.


You might take a look at the 'Authoring Assistance' list we have at:


Perhaps you could collaborate with someone (or with some group),
whereby you provide the technical content and *they* do the markup?
Depending upon the size of the document, it may not take long at
all to perform such a task.

The LDP Author Guide is the best place to start; in terms of
learning about the LDP process, available tools, SGML intro, etc.
It also provides links to various sources:


Finally, an excellent online publication on SGML is
"DocBook: The Definitive Guide", by Norman Walsh and
Leonard Muellner:


If you have any questions, let me know.


Greg Ferguson     - s/w engr / mtlhd         | gferg@sgi.com
SGI Tech Pubs     - http://techpubs.sgi.com  | 
Linux Doc Project - http://www.linuxdoc.org  |

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