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Re: Linux-Mandrake manuals

guylhemlistes@ifrance.com a écrit :
> On 5 Sep 2000, at 15:42, Camille Bégnis wrote:
> > It includes some HOWTOs adapted to Mandrake.
> > The sources are available in the main CVS server.
> > Thanks again to the original writers for their help.
> Do you provide the sgml source?

see in

> BTW, Mandrake might be interested in the LDP summit.
> We would like to talk with publishers and linux distributions, to find
> a good way to collaborate more efficiently.
> It will take place in Chapel Hill, NC, from Sep 29 to Oct 1.

Arghh. This is the exact date when our new manuals should go to
I am very sorry about that. Are there some preliminar documents,
something else planned, etc. ?

Thanks, Camille

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