Mark Komarinski a écrit :
> The best way to learn about something is to teach it.
> With that in mind, I'm giving a presentation about SGML and how
> the LDP is using it at the Linux Expo in Toronto at the end of
> October, and again in Paris in January.
> I'm getting into the differences between jade and openjade
> and am running into a bit of a block of why they're being developed
> separately. If anyone has information about how these two are
> related (or not), I'd greatly appreciate it.
> Also, it looks like OpenJade is being split into OpenJade and
> OpenSP, with OpenSP doing the validation and leaving OpenJade
> to do the actual 'rendering' into the various output formats. Is
> this correct?
> I am trying to package OpenSP for use with Linux-Mandrake, mainly
> because it seems that tools are more up to date.
> I am then facing a problem: openjade package supply older tools to those
> in OpenSP, while OpenSP package does not contain openjade...
> Why is it so, and what do you suggest me?
> I am very new to all that, sorry if I misunderstood it all, then please
> explain me.
From: Matthias Clasen
05/29/00 09:10
Re: opejade and OpenSP
The history is as follows: Originally there was sp by James Clark.
Then James developed jade on top of sp, but the jade package shipped
by him contained the complete sp suite, thus it was a strange 2-in-1
package. After the release of openjade-1.3, the openjade team has
to split this beast into two separate packages again, OpenSP and
But while the separate OpenSP package has already been released, we
have not yet released an 'sp-free' version of OpenJade to go with it.
And unfortunately, the newest OpenSP sources from CVS (1.5-pre4) are
no longer binary compatible with the released versions of OpenJade,
since we changed the size of fundamental data types. Hopefully
we can at least manage to produce an interim OpenJade version
which works with the latest opensp soon...
Matthias Clasen,
Tel. 0761/203-5606
Mathematisches Institut, Albert-Ludwigs-Universitaet Freiburg
Get your head off the keyboard and look behind the screen.
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