Poet/Joshua Drake wrote:
> 3 Designs for perusal:
> http://www.linuxports.com/ldp/cards/
I'll agree with the majority that design 1 is the best. BTW where does
the logo in card 2 come from? I cannot remember to have seen that loop.
Just a few comments:
- too often people have to make a photocopy of a card but here
the darkened corner with the address makes that difficult. Also
for humans the contrast might be too low.
- on a related line: does this design work well in grey scale for
those of us who cannot print the design on a colour printer?
- I am partial to isoproportional spaced fornt for such things as
web address and email address.
- Why no email address?
- in top left corner doesn't use the characters from the logo
Any reason for this?
In general the balancing is estethically pleasing though.
Stein Gjoen
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