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Re: Documentation Metrics

From: "Greg Ferguson" <gferg@hoop.timonium.sgi.com>

> On Oct 16, 10:26pm, Jorge Godoy wrote:
> > Subject: Re: Documentation Metrics
> >
> > [...]
> >     DCMPD> Seriously, though, this information is not going to be
> >     DCMPD> publicized. It is for my personal use, and perhaps for
> >     DCMPD> a few others that help me. And, if the document is really
> >     DCMPD> awful, I have no problem saying so. One thing you can
> >     DCMPD> count on me for is being honest about our shortcomings.
> >     DCMPD> How else can we address them?
> >
> > If you don't mind, it would be interesting for an author to have
> > access to this information on her/his HOWTO/document. This way people
> > might know where they need to improve their document (besides
> > content).
> More than just "interesting". I thought that was one of the major
> points of this exercise? How else do you propose we improve the
> actual content?
> We need to collect more than just metrics, I'd like to see
> reviewer's comment on specific areas where they think the HOWTO
> is lacking, how it might be improved, what it does well, etc.
> This goes beyond a basic numeric scoring system.
> I believe it's imperative that we syphon these comments,
> good/bad/otherwise back to the original authors. David, how
> did you see this being used otherwise?

I plan on first getting a clear picture of the state-of-the-collection, then
dealing with the problems that are identified. I will definitely be giving
feedback to authors.

The process as I see it right now:

1. Get a clear picture - establish metrics
   1a. Determine metrics (done, I think!)
   1b. Measure
   1c. Adjust metrics if we see the need
2. Triage
3. Problem Resolution
   3a. Give feedback to authors
   3b. Seek additional HOWTOs where needed
   3c. Edit documents myself for grammar, language and speling erorrs.
4. Ongoing Management (rinse, repeat)

Comments and suggestions always appreciated and considered!


David C. Merrill, Ph.D.
Linux Documentation Project
Collection Editor & Coordinator


David C. Merrill, Ph.D.
Linux Documentation Project
Collection Editor & Coordinator

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