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Re: Publicity via the LWN

Big snip, including attributions...

> >       http://www.nyx.net/~sgjoen/lwn3.html

> I'd like to see the "Authors" area mentioned as an area to go for:
>   - pointers to author-oriented resources (templates, tools, etc),
>   - lists of documents that require markup or maintainence,
>   - registering to assist with the LDP, etc.
>   http://www.linuxdoc.org/authors/

OK, the entry is updated with this, please have a look to see if I
got everything covered.

> If anyone has suggestions on how to improve that area of the
> LDP site, let me know.

I feel that page is a bit overwhelming, perhaps grouping things
more together would help. Indicating the flow wold perhaps also

I was looking for information on LinuxDoc DTD and tools, do we
have a page for that?

> It would also be worthwhile mentioning the "LDP Author Guide"
> with a pointer - http://www.linuxdoc.org/LDP/LDP-Author-Guide/
> - a good place to start for those that may wish to become involved.


> As for the previous discussion concerning weekly updates,
> we should be able to easily cull those out of the ldp-announce
> archives (http://www.linuxdoc.org/archives/ldp-announce/maillist.html);
> picking up those emails that were sent for a given time period,
> stripping off the headers/footers, putting them into a template.

Can we get this automated and connected to Freshmeat?

> I can work on scripting that if we get someone to either make
> the post itself, or find out if the submission can be automated.
> Or should we just string this onto the monthly submission?
> Any additional suggestions or thoughts?

> > Feedback, anyone? A link to a summary of the classifications
> > discussion so far would also beuseful.
> Yes, and mention the review process as well.

Can you give me a few links here?

   Stein Gjoen

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