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RE: Framebuffer-HOWTO appears to be unmaintained

We should also try doing a web search to see if there is an updated copy
somewhere on the net by the original maintainer.  A search of the
maintainer's name would also be a good idea, if it is not too common of a

Craig M. Buchek
Documentation Manager / Consultant

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Greg Ferguson [mailto:gferg@hoop.timonium.sgi.com]
> Sent: Friday, November 17, 2000 12:53 PM
> To: David Merrill; ldp-discuss@lists.linuxdoc.org;
> ldp-discuss@lists.debian.org
> Subject: Re: Framebuffer-HOWTO appears to be unmaintained
> On Nov 17,  1:51pm, David Merrill wrote:
> > Subject: Framebuffer-HOWTO appears to be unmaintained
> > No luck getting a contact for the Framebuffer-HOWTO, as the bounced
> > mail below shows. I tried the author and the "feedback" contact,
> > which were different guys, but both addresses are dead.
> >
> > Do we have an agreed upon policy or procedure for dealing with these
> > situations? At what point do we decide the document is unmaintained?
> If we cannot contact any of the author(s); we do the best we can to
> track them down.
> > How do we determine a new maintainer, or is it just the first
> > person who volunteers?
> We add the document to the 'unmaintained list'. That mechanism has
> been working well. People have contacted me indicating they wish
> to maintain the given doc, at which point I add them to the
> 'new owner' column of the table.
> > There are several "contributors" listed, so we could probably try them,
> > and see if any of them wish to take over maintainership.
> Yes, good idea.
> r,
> --
> Greg Ferguson     - s/w engr / mtlhd         | gferg at sgi.com
> SGI Tech Pubs     - http://techpubs.sgi.com/ |
> Linux Doc Project - http://www.linuxdoc.org/ | gferg at metalab.unc.edu
> --
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